Via Fossato di Mortara, 17/19 - 44121 Ferrara
Sezione: Farmaco e Prodotti della Salute
Responsabile: Claudio Nastruzzi
The Laboratory of Biomaterials is part of the Department of Life Sciences and Biotechnology of the University of Ferrara.
It focuses on the development of biomaterials, biotech products and bioartificial organs. We design and produce scaffolds and embedding systems for cell theraphy approaches including cell encapsulation protocols for pancreatic islets, Sertoli cells, osteoblasts and mesenchymal stem cells. We performe biocompatibility tests for the validation of biomaterials. The rapid prototyping section focuses on the design and development of small laboratory equipments for biotech applications and microencapsulation protocols.
We introduced a new approach for the integrated immunoprotection of transplanted cells, irrespective of the cell origin and maturation level. We designed microcapsules, based on alginate coated with polycations, containing multiple compartments that can interact with the encapsulated cells.
Further information of the activity of the laboratory can be found at the following links: