Ecologia Generale ed Applicata
Gruppo di Ecologia Generale ed Applicata
Biodiversità, Servizi Ecosistemici, Tecnologie a basso impatto ambientale, Circolazione dei nutrienti
Il gruppo di ricerca in Ecologia Generale ed Applicata, si interessa di Biodiversità, di Funzionalità e di Servizi Ecosistemici in una ottica di Sviluppo Sostenibile, in varie tipologie di ecosistema (sistemi marini di transizione, sistemi fluviali naturali ed artificiali, agroecosistemi, ecosistemi urbani).
Materiale biologico utilizzato: comunità microbiche, fitoplancton, zooplancton, macrozoobenthos, vegetazione acquatica immersa ed emersa, fauna ittica.
Temi di ricerca principali:
· Biodiversità: fattori ambientali ed antropizzazione
· Cicli biogeochimici in ambienti terrestri ed acquatici e Bioturbazione
· Agricoltura sostenibile
· Ecologia della pesca e Gestione delle risorse rinnovabili
· Modellistica Ecologica
· Metodologie GIS applicate all’uso del territorio
· Rinaturalizzazione ambientale in sistemi acquatici
· Servizi ecosistemici
Collaborazioni nazionali:
a) Università di Parma (prof. Marco Bartoli, dott. Gianmarco Giordani)
b) Università del Salento (prof. Alberto Basset)
c) Università IUAV di Venezia (dott. Elena Gissi)
d) Università di Roma La Sapienza (prof. Loreto Rossi, prof. Fausto Manes)
e) Università Roma Tor Vergata (dott. Eleonora Ciccotti)
f) ISPRA (dott. Piero Genovesi)
g) Regione Emilia Romagna
h) Regione Veneto
i) Regione Lombardia
j) Autorità di Bacino del Fiume Po (ADBPO)
k) Parco del Delta del Po
l) Corpo Forestale dello Stato
Collaborazioni Internazionali:
a) Marine Ecology Centre of Klaipeda University (Lithuania)
b) Department of Aquatic Ecology and Centre for Water and Environmental Research (ZWU) of University of Duisburg-Essen, Essen (Germany)
c) Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Faculty of Agriculture, Forestry and Natural Environment, Department of Hydraulics, Soil Science and Agricultural Engineering
d) Institute of Agricultural Economics, Belgrade, Serbia
prof.ssa Elisa Anna Fano stanza 40 |
prof. Giuseppe Castaldelli stanza 38 | |
dott. Vassilis Aschonitis post-doc stanza 41 |
dott. Fabio Vincenzi post-doc stanza 29 |
dott. Elisa Soana post-doc stanza 28bis |
Dott. Mattia Lanzoni phd-student stanza 29 |
dott. Mattias Gaglio phd-student stanza 41 |
dott. Giovanni Nobili phd-student stanza 29 |
dott. Anna Gavioli phd-student stanza 28bis |
dott. Sara Benelli phd-student stanza 28bis |
Alexandra Nicoleta Muresan borsista stanza 28bis |
Jona Lasinio G., Pollice A., Marcon E., Fano E.A. 2017. Assessing the role of the spatial scale in the analysis of lagoon biodiversity. A case-study on the macrobenthic fauna of the Po River Delta. Ecological Indicators, in press
Gaglio, M., Aschonitis, V.G., Gissi, E., Castaldelli, G., Fano, E.A. 2017. Land use change effects on ecosystem services of river deltas and coastal wetlands: case study in Volano–Mesola–Goro in Po river delta (Italy). Wetlands Ecology and Management 25 (1), pp. 67-86.
Aschonitis, V.,Castaldelli, G.,Lanzoni, M., Rossi, R., Kennedy, C., Fano, E.A. 2017. Long-term records (1781–2013) of European eel (Anguilla anguilla L.) production in the Comacchio Lagoon (Italy): evaluation of local and global factors as causes of the population collapse. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems, 27 (2): 502-520
V.G. Aschonitis, G. Castaldelli, M. Lanzoni, M. Merighi, F. Gelli, L. Giari, R. Rossi, E.A. Fano 2017. A size-age model based on bootstrapping and Bayesian approaches to assess population dynamics of Anguilla anguilla L. in semi-closed lagoons. ECOLOGY OF FRESHWATER FISH 20 (2), pp 217-232.
Dezfuli, B.S., DePasquale, J.A., Castaldelli, G., Girani, L., Bosi, G.A.. 2017. A fish model for the study of the relationship between neuroendocrine and immune cells in the intestinal epithelium: Silurus glanis infected with a tapeworm. Fish and Shellfish Immunology, 64, pp 243-250.
Benelli, S., Bartoli M., Racchetti, E., Moraes, P.C., Zilius, M., Lubiene, I., Fano, E.A. 2017. Rare but large bivalves alter benthic respiration and nutrient recycling in riverine sediments. Aquatic Ecology, 51 (1), pp 1-16.
Racchetti, E., Longhi, D., Ribaudo, C., Soana, E., Bartoli, M. 2017. Nitrogen uptake and coupled nitrification-denitrification in riverin sediments with benthic mocroalgae and rooted macrophytes. Aquatic Science, in press.
Soana, E., Balestrini, R., Vincenzi, F., Bartoli, M., Castaldelli, G. 2017. Mitigation of nitrogen pollution in vegetated ditches fed by nitrate-rich spring waters. Agruculture, Ecosystems & Environmental, in press.
De Girolamo, A.M., Balestrini, R., D’Ambrosio, E., Pappagallo, G., Soana, E., lo Porto, A. 2017. Antropogenic input of nitrogen and riverin export from a Mediterranean catchment. The Celone, a temporary river case study. Agriculture Water Management, 187, pp 190-199.
Aschonitis, V.G., Gaglio, M., Castaldelli, G., Fano, E.A. 2016. Criticism on elasticity-sensitivity coefficient for assessing the robustness and sensitivity of ecosystem services values. ECOSYSTEM SERVICES 20, pp. 66-68
Aschonitis, V.G., Castaldelli, G., Lanzoni, M., Rossi, R., Kennedy, C., Fano, E.A. 2016. Long-term records (1781-2013) of European eel (Anguilla anguilla L.) production in the Comacchio Lagoon (Italy): evaluation of local and global factors as causes of the population collapse. AQUATIC CONSERVATION: MARINE AND FRESHWATER ECOSYSTEMS, Article in Press
Aschonitis, V.G., Castaldelli, G., Fano, E.A. 2016. Relations between environmental gradients and diversity indices of benthic invertebrates in lotic systems of northern Italy. WEB ECOLOGY 16 (1), pp. 13-15.
Aschonitis, V.G., Feld, C.K., Castaldelli, G., Turin, P., Visonà, E., Fano, E.A. 2016. Environmental stressor gradients hierarchically regulate macrozoobenthic community turnover in lotic systems of Northern Italy. HYDROBIOLOGIA 765 (1), pp. 131-147.
Aschonitis, V.G., Castaldelli, G., Colombani, N., Mastrocicco M. 2016. A combined methodology to assess the intrinsic vulnerability of aquifers to pollution from agrochemicals. ARABIAN JOURNAL OF GEOSCIENCES 9 (7), art. no. 503.
Aschonitis, V.G., Miliaresis, G., G., Demertzi, K., Papamichail, D. 2016. Terrain segmentation of Greece using the spatial and seasonal variation of reference crop evapotranspiration. ADVANCES IN METEOROLOGY, art. no. 3092671.
Giari, L., Vincenzi, F, Badini, S., Guerranti, C., Dezfuli, B.S., Fano, E.A., Castaldelli, G. Common carp Cyprinus carpio responses to sub-chronic exposure to perfluorooctanoic acid. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 23 (15), pp. 15321-15330
Aschonitis, V.G., Feld, C.K., Castaldelli, G., Turin, P., Visonà, E., Fano, E.A. Environmental stressor gradients hierarchically regulate macrozoobenthic community turnover in lotic systems of Northern Italy. Hydrobiologia, Volume 765, Issue 1, 2016, Pages 131-147
Dezfuli, B.S., Manera, M., Bosi, G., Depasquale, J.A., D'Amelio, S., Castaldelli, G., Giari, L. 2016. Anguilla anguilla intestinal immune response to natural infection with Contracaecum rudolphii A larvae. Journal of Fish Diseases, in press.
Fedrigotti C., Aschonitis V., Fano E.A. 2016. Effects of forest expansions and land abandonment on ecosystem services of alpine environments: case study in ledro valley (Italy) for the period (1859-2011). Global Nest Journal, 18 (4), pp. 875-884
Gissi, E., Gaglio, M., Reho, M. 2016. Sustainable energy potential from biomass through ecosystem services trade-off analysis: The case of the Province of Rovigo (Northern Italy). Ecosystem Services 18, pp. 1-19
Lanzoni, M., Gavioli, A., Aschonitis, V., Merighi, M., Fano, E.A., Castaldelli, G. 2016. Length–weight relationships of three estuarine species in the Comacchio Lagoon, Po River delta, Italy. Journal of Applied Ichthyology 32 (6), pp. 1284-1265
S. Civolani, M. Boselli, A. Butturini, M. Chicca, S. Cassanelli, M.G. Tommasini, V.G. Aschonitis, E.A. Fano 2015. Testing Spirotetramat as an alternative solution to Abamectin for Cacopsylla pyri (Hemiptera: Psyllidae) control: Laboratory and field tests. Journal of ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY 108 (6), pp. 2737-2742.
V.G. Aschonitis, G. Castaldelli, M. Bartoli, E.A. Fano 2015. A review and synthesis of bivariate non-linear models to describe the relative variation of ecological, biological and environmental parameters. ENVIRONMENTAL MODELING AND ASSESSMENT 20 (2), pp. 169-182.
E. Tamburini, G. Castaldelli, G. Ferrari, M.G. Marchetti, P. Pedrini, P., V.G. Aschonitis 2015. Onsite and online FT-NIR spectroscopy for the estimation of total nitrogen and moisture content in poultry manure. ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGY 36 (18), pp. 2285-2294.
V.G. Aschonitis, E. Salemi, N. Colombani, M. Mastrocicco 2015. Comparison of Different “S-index” Expressions to Evaluate the State of Physical Soil Properties. GEOTECHNICAL AND GEOLOGICAL ENGINEERING 33 (4), pp. 1055-1066.
V.G. Aschonitis, K. Demertzi, D. Papamichail, N. Colombani, M. Mastrocicco 2015. Revisiting the Priestley-Taylor method for the assessment of reference crop evapotranspiration in Italy. ITALIAN JOURNAL OF AGROMETEOROLOGY 20 (2), pp. 5-18.
E. Lekakis, V.G. Aschonitis, A. Pavlatou-Ve, A. Papadopoulos, V. Antonopoulos 2015. Analysis of temporal variation of soil salinity during the growing season in a flooded rice field of Thessaloniki plain-Greece. AGRONOMY 5 (1), pp. 35-54.
Castaldelli, G., Soana, E., Racchetti, E., Vincenzi, F., Fano, E.A., Bartoli, M. Vegetated canals mitigate nitrogen surplus in agricultural watersheds. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment. Volume 212, December 01, 2015, Pages 253-262
Milardi, M., Lanzoni, M., Kiljunen, M., Torniainen, J., Castaldelli, G. 2015. Natural recruitment contributes to high densities of grass carp Ctenopharyngodon idella (valenciennes, 1844) in Western Europe. Aquatic Invasions 10 (4), pp. 439-448
Giari, L., Guerranti, C., Perra, G., Lanzoni, M., Fano, E.A., Castaldelli, G. 2015. Occurrence of perfluorooctanesulfonate and perfluorooctanoic acid and histopathology in eels from north Italian waters. Chemosphere 118 (1), pp- 117-123
Soana, E. , Naldi, M., Bonaglia, S. Racchetti, E., Castaldelli, G., Brüchert, V., Viaroli, P., Bartoli, M. 2015. Benthic nitrogen metabolism in a macrophyte meadow (Vallisneria spiralis L.) under increasing sedimentary organic matter loads. Biochemistry 124 (1-3), pp 387-404
Dondini, L., De Franceschi, P., Ancarani, V., Civolani, S., Fano, E.A., Musacchi, S. 2015. Identification of a QTL for psylla resistance in pear via dennome scanning approach. Scintia Horticulturae, 197, pp. 568-572.
Welsh, D.T., Nizzuli, D., Fano, E.A., Viaroli, P. 2015. Direct contribution of clams (Ruditapes philippinarum) to benthic fluxes, nitrificatin, denitrification and nitrous oxide emession in a farmed sediment. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 154, pp. 84-93.
Tamburini, E., Pedrini, P., Marchetti, M.G., Fano, E.A., Castaldelli, G. 2015. Life cycle based evaluation of environmental and economic impacts of agricultural productiuons in the Mediterranean area. Sustainability (Switzerland), 7 (3), pp. 2915-2935.
Viaroli, P., Nizzoli, D., Pinardi, M., Soana E., Bartoli, M. 2015. Eutrophication of the Mediterranean Sea: a watershed-cascading aquatic filter approach. Rendiconti Lincei, 26, pp. 13-23.
Bolpagni, R., Laini, A., Soana, E., Romaselli, M., Nascimbene, J. 2015. Growth performance of Vallisneria spiralis under oligotrophic conditions supports its potential invasiveness in mid-elevation freshwaters. Weed Research, 55, pp. 185-194.
V.D. Litskas, V.G. Aschonitis, E.H. Lekakis, V.Z. Antonopoulos 2014. Effects of land use and irrigation practices on Ca, Mg, K, Na loads in rice-based agricultural systems. AGRICULTURAL WATER MANAGEMENT 132, pp. 30-36.
K.A. Demertzi, D.M. Papamichail, P.E. Georgiou, D.N. Karamouzis, V.G. Aschonitis 2014. Assessment of rural and highly seasonal tourist activity plus drought effects on reservoir operation in a semi-arid region of Greece using the WEAP model. WATER INTERNATIONAL 39 (1), pp. 23-34.
K. Demertzi, D. Papamichail, V. Aschonitis, G. Miliaresis, 2014. Spatial and seasonal patterns of precipitation in Greece: The terrain segmentation approach. GLOBAL NEST JOURNAL 16 (5), pp. 988-997.
Gissi, E., Gaglio, M., Reho, M. 2014. Trade-off between carbon storage and biomass-based energy sources ecosystem services, the case study from the province of Rovigo (Italy). Annali di Botanica 4, pp. 73-81
Aschonitis, V.G., Papamichail, D.M., Lithourgidis, A., Fano, E.A. 2014. Estimation of Leaf Area Index and Foliage Area Index of Rice using an Indirect Gravimetric Method. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, 45 (13), pp. 1726-1740.
Aschonitis, V.G., Mastrocicco, M., Colombani, N., Salemi, E., Castaldelli, G. 2014. Assessment of the intrinsic vulnerability of agricultural land to water and nitrogen losses: Case studies in Italy and Greece IAHS-AISH Proceedings and Reports, 364, pp. 14-19.
Dezfuli, B.S., Giari, L., Castaldelli, G., Lanzoni, M., Rossi, R., Lorenzoni, M., Kennedy, C.R. 2014. Temporal and spatial changes in the composition and structure of helminth component communities in European eels Anguilla anguilla in an Adriatic coastal lagoon and some freshwaters in Italy. Parasitology Research, 113 (1), pp. 113-120.
Castaldelli, G., Aschonitis, V., Lanzoni, M., Gelli, F., Rossi, R., Fano, E.A. 2014. An update of the length-weight and length-age relationships of the European eel (Anguilla anguilla, Linnaeus 1758) in the Comacchio Lagoon, northeast Adriatic Sea, Italy Journal of Applied Ichthyology, 30 (3), pp. 558-559.
Civolani, S., Boselli, M., Butturini, A., Chicca, M., Fano, E.A., Cassanelli, S. 2014. Assessment of Insecticide Resistance of Lobesia botrana (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) in Emilia-Romagna Region Journal of Economic Entomology, 107 (3), pp. 1245-1249.
Civolani, S., Cassanelli, S., Chicca, M., Rison, J.L., Bassi, A., Alvarez, J.M., Annan, I.B., Parrella, G., Giorgini, M., Fano, E.A. 2014. An EPG Study of the Probing Behavior of Adult Bemisia tabaci Biotype Q (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) Following Exposure to Cyantraniliprole. Journal of Economic Entomology, 107 (3), pp. 910-919.
Soana, E., Bartoli, M. 2014. Seasonal regulation of nitrification in a rooted macrophyte (Vallisneria spiralis L.) meadow under eutrophic conditions. Aquatic Ecology, 48, pp. 11-21.