Genome Size
Mirsky AE. Ris H. 1951. The desoxyribonucleic acid content of animal cells and its evolutionary significance. J. Gen. Physiol. 34: 451-462.
(A. sturio Cv 3.2)
Vialli M. 1957. Volume et contenu en ADN par noyau. Exp.Cell Res. Suppl. 4: 284-293.
(A. naccarii Cv 4.24; A. sturio Cv 3.95)
Kafiani KA. RI Tatarskaia. Kanopkaite SM. 1958. Phosphorus metabolism in the embryonic development of sturgeon. Biochemistry 23: 389-399.
(A. stellatus Cv 4.70)
Ohno S. Muramoto J. Stenius C. Christian L. Kitterell WA. 1969. Microchromosomes in holocephalian, chondrostean and holostean fishes. Chromosoma 26: 35-40 Abstract
(S. platorynchus Cv 3.60)
Fontana F. 1976. Nuclear DNA content and cytometric of erythrocytes of Huso huso L., Acipenser sturio L. and Acipenser naccarii Bonaparte. Caryologia 29: 127-138 Abstract
(H. huso Cv 3.60; A. naccarii Cv 6.30; A. sturio Cv 3.58)
Hinegardner R. 1976. The cellular DNA content of sharks, rays and some other fishes. Comp. Biochem. Physiol., B. 55: 367-370.
(A. transmontanus Cv 10.60)
Tiersch TR. Chandler RW. Wachtel SS. Elias S. 1989. Reference standards for flow cytometry and application in comparative studies of nuclear DNA content. Cytometry 10: 706-710 Abstract.
(P. spathula Cv 3.90)
Blacklidge KH. Bidwell CA. 1993. Three ploidy levels indicated by genome quantification in Acipenseriformes of North America. J. Hered. 84: 427-430 Abstract
(A. brevirostrum C.v. 13.07; A. fulvescens C.v. 8.90; A. medirostris Cv 8.82; A. oxyrhynchus Cv 4.55; A. transmontanus Cv 9.46; S. platorynchus Cv 4.73; P. spathula Cv 4.89)
Birstein VJ. Poletaev AI. Goncharov BF. 1993. The DNA content in Eurasian sturgeon species determined by flow cytometry. Cytometry, 14(4): 337-383 Abstract
(H. dauricus Cv 3.77; H.huso Cv 3.43; A. baeri Cv 8.30; A. gueldenstaedtii Cv 7.87; A. medirostris Cv 14.33; A. nudiventris Cv 3.96; A. ruthenus Cv 3.74; A. stellatus Cv 3.74; P.kaufmanni Cv 3.47; P. spathula Cv 3.17)
Song S. Liu H. Sun D. Fan Z. 1997. The karyotype and cellular DNA contents of Amur sturgeon (Acipenser schrencki). Hereditas (Beijing). 19: 5-8 (in Chinese). Abstract
(A. schrenckii Cv 11.73)
Zhang SM. Yang Y. Deng H. Wei QW. Wu QJ. 1999. Genome size and ploidy characters of several species of sturgeons and paddlefishes with comments on cellular evolution of Acipenseriformes. Acta Zoologica Sinica, 45(2): 200-206 Abstract
(P. gladius Cv 4.11; A. dabryanus Cv 8.26; A. sinensis Cv 9.07; A. schrenckii Cv 6.07; P. spathula Cv 3.96)
Hardie DC. Hebert PDN. 2003. The nucleotypic effects of cellular DNA content in cartilaginous and ray-finned fishes. Genome 46: 683-706 Abstract
(A. brevirostrum Cv 13.78; A. oxyrhynchus Cv 4.38)
Hardie DC. Hebert PDN. 2004. Genome-size evolution in fishes. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 61: 1636-1646. Abstract
(A. brevirostrum Cv 13.78; A. oxyrhynchus Cv 4.38)
Yin HB. Sun ZW. Sun DJ. 2004. Comparative study on DNA contents of five cultured fishes of Acipenseridae and Huso. Journal of Shanghai Fisheries University 13, 111–114. Abstract
(A. gueldenstaedtii Cv 12.24; A.baeri Cv 11.60; A. schrenckii Cv 11-59; A.ruthenus Cv 6.06; H. dauricus Cv 4.77)
(A. baeri Cv 7.8-8.0; A.fulvescens Cv 7.9-8.0; A. gueldenstaedtii Cv 4.2/8; A. medirostris mikadoi Cv 8.0-9.1; A. ruthenus Cv 3.8-3-9; A. schrenckii Cv. 7.9-8.2; A. stellatus Cv 3.5-4.0; A. transmontanus Cv 8.5-9.0; H. dauricus Cv 8.3-8.4; P. spathula Cv 3.5) Abstract
Zhou H. Fujimoto T. Adachi S. Yamaha E. Arai K. 2011. Genome size variation estimated by flow cytometry in Acipenser mikadoi, Huso dauricus in relation to other species of Acipenseriformes. J. Appl. Ichthyol. 27: 484-491-
(A. mikadoi Cv 8.2; H. dauricus Cv 8,3) Abstract
Zhou H. Fujimoto T. Adachi S. Abe, S. Yamaha E. Arai K. 2013. Molecular cytogenetic study on the ploidy status in Acipenser mikadoi. Abstract
Zhou H. Fujimoto T. Adachi S. Abe, S. Yamaha E. Arai K. 2013. Molecular cytogenetic study on the ploidy status in Acipenser mikadoi. J. Appl. Ichthyol. 29: 51-55 (A. mikadoi Cv 8.82) Abstract