Huso dauricus
2n=60 Only macrochromosomes were counted Burtzev JA. Nikoljukin NJ. Serebryakova EV. 1973 Kariology of family Acipenseridae in connection with questions of hybridization and taxonomy. First European Ichthyological Congress. Sarajevo. Yugoslavia |
2n=270 Vasil’ev VP. Vasil’eva ED. Shedko SV. Novomodny GV. 2008. Karyotypes of the kaluga Huso dauricus and Sakhalin sturgeon Acipenser mikadoi (Acipenseridae, Pisces). In: Bioraznoobrazie I dinamika genofondov. Materialy otchetnoi konferentsii. Moscow: RAN. P. 19-21 |
2n=268±4; 100 m+sm, 368±4 FN Vasil’ev VP. Vasil’eva ED. Shedko SV. Novomodny GV. 2009. Ploidy levels in the kaluga Huso dauricus and sakhalin sturgeon Acipenser mikadoi (Acipenseridae, Pisces). Doklady Biological Sciences, 426: 228-231 |
2n=268±4; 100 m+sm, 368±4 FN |