Elettrofisiologia e Biofisica dell'Apparato Vestibolare Periferico
Via Borsari, 46 - 44121 Ferrara Blocco B - Secondo Piano Sezione: Biologia ed Evoluzione Responsabile: Maria Lisa Rossi | ![]() |
CAREER: 1971 Master in Science, University of Pavia. 1972-78 Post-doctoral fellow, Institute of General Physiology, Faculty of Science, University of Pavia. 1978 Assistant Professor of General Physiology, Faculty of Science, University of Pavia. 1982 Associate Professor of General Physiology, Department of Life Sciences and Biotechnology, University of Ferrara.
RESEARCH FIELDS: 1) Mechanisms of synaptic transmission at the cytoneural junction in the frog labyrinth; 2) Stochastic approaches to the study of synaptic function; 3) Studies of voltage-dependent currents in the hair cells of the frog labyrinth and in the rat superior cervical ganglion; 4) Biophysics of labyrinthine and ganglionic synapses.
In collaboration with M. Martini and G. Rispoli, Dept. Biology, Physiology and Biophysics, University of Ferrara, we have characterized, by using the patch-clamp technique, the Ca channel properties of the hair cells isolated from the semicircular canals of the frog labyrinth.
In collaboration with R. Fesce, DISTA, University of Insubria, we have characterized the properties of transmitter release at the cytoneural junction of the frog labyrinth. Then we have studied the temperature dependence of quantal release and spike generation at the encoder and the effects of tonicity. Most recently, we have developed and refined original techniques of signal processing to analyse the signal processing features of this sensory system in control preparations and after exposure to microgravity.
In collaboration with O. Sacchi, Dept. Biology, Physiology and Biophysics, University of Ferrara, we have developed a mathematical model of the bioelectrical properties of the sympathetic neuron at the rat superior cervical ganglion (SCG). Using this model, we have investigated the properties of signal processing at the ganglionic synapse in response to presynaptic activation.
Most relevant papers (1989-2013, IF 2011)
ROSSI M.L., Bonifazzi C., Martini M., Fesce R.. Static and dynamic properties of synaptic transmission at the cyto-neural junction of the frog labyrinth posterior canal. J. Gen. Physiol., 94, 303-327, 1989. IF 4.283
ROSSI M.L., Martini M.. Efferent control of posterior canal afferent receptor discharge in the frog labyrinth. Brain Res., 555, 123-134, 1991. IF 2.623
ROSSI M.L., Martini M., Pelucchi B. and Fesce R.. The quantal nature of transmitter release at the cytoneural junction of the frog labyrinth. J. Physiol., 478, 17-35, 1994. IF 5.139
ROSSI M.L., Martini M., Pelucchi B. and Fesce R.. Pre- and postsynaptic effects of temperature at the posterior canal cytoneural junction in the isolated frog labyrinth. Prim. Sensory Neuron, 1, 95-108, 1995.
Sacchi O., ROSSI M.L. and Canella C.. The slow Ca2+-activated K+-current, IAHP, in the rat sympathetic neurone. J. Physiol., 483, 15-27, 1995. IF 5.139
ROSSI M.L., Ferrary E., Martini A., Martini M., Pelucchi B., Bernard C., Teixeira M., Sterkers O. and Fesce R.. Effects of clofilium, a K channel blocker, on electrogenic K secretion and afferent discharge at the frog semicircular canal: A preliminary report. Acta Oto-Laryngol. (Stockh.), 116, 277-279, 1996. IF 1.200
ROSSI M.L., Martini M. and Pelucchi B. The frog labyrinth cytoneural junction and its efferent control. J. Audiol. Med., 5, 32-42, 1996.
ROSSI M.L., Ferrary E., Martini A., Martini M., Pelucchi B., Bernard C., Teixeira M., Sterkers O and Fesce R. The effect of clofilium, a K-channel blocker, on the electrogenic K secretion and the sensory discharge at the frog semicircular canal. Brain Res., 721, 174-180, 1996. IF 2.623
Sacchi O., ROSSI M.L., Canella R. and Fesce R. The synaptic current at the rat ganglionic synapse and its interactions with the neuronal voltage-dependent currents. J. Neurophysiol., 79, 727-742, 1998. IF 3.114
ROSSI M.L., Ferrary E., Martini M., Pelucchi B., Bernard C., Teixeira M., Sterkers O, Rubbini G. and Fesce R.. The effects of perilymphatic tonicity on endolymph composition and synaptic activity at the frog semicircular canal. Hear. Res. 121, 99-108, 1998. IF 2.428
Sacchi O., ROSSI M.L., Canella C. and Fesce R.. Participation of a chloride conductance in the subtheshold behavior of the rat sympathetic neuron. J. Neurophysiol., 82, 1662-1675, 1999. IF 3.114
Martini M., ROSSI M.L., Rubbini G. and Rispoli G.. Calcium currents in hair cells isolated from semicircular canals of the frog. Biophys. J. 78, 1240-1254, 2000. IF 4.218
Sacchi O., ROSSI M.L. and Canella C.. Nicotinic EPSCs in intact rat ganglia feature depression except if evoked during intermittent postsynaptic depolarization. J. Neurophysiol., 83, 3254-3263, 2000. IF 3.114
Rispoli G., Martini M., ROSSI M.L., Rubbini G. and Fesce R.. Ca-dependent kinetics of hair cells Ca currents resolved with the use of cesium BAPTA. NeuroReport, 11, 2769-2774, 2000. IF 1.882
Sacchi O., ROSSI M.L. and Canella C.. Synaptic stimulation of nicotinic receptors in rat sympathetic ganglia is followed by slow activation of postsynaptic potassium or chloride conductances. Eur. J. Neurosci. 12, 2651-2661, 2000. IF 3.658
Perin P., Masetto S., Martini M., ROSSI M.L., Rubbini G., Rispoli G., Guth P. and Valli P.. Regional distribution of calcium currents in frog semicircular canal hair cells. Hear. Res. 152, 67-76, 2001. IF 2.428
Rispoli G., Martini M., ROSSI M.L., Mammano F.. Dynamics of calcium microdomains in hair cells of the frog semicircular canal probed by fast fluorescence imaging. Cell Calcium 30, 131-140, 2001. IF 3.553
Martini M., ROSSI M.L., Farinelli F., Moriondo A., Mammano F and Rispoli G.. No evidence for calcium electrogenic exchanger in frog semicircular canal hair cells. Eur. J. Neurosci. 16, 1647-1653, 2002. IF 3.658
Lelli A., Perin P., Martini M., Ciubotaru C.D., Prigioni I., Valli P., ROSSI M.L. and Mammano F.. Presynaptic calcium stores modulate afferent release in vestibular hair cells. J. Neurosci. 23, 6894-6903, 2003. IF 7.271
Sacchi O., ROSSI M.L., Canella R. and Fesce R.. A voltage- and activity-dependent chloride conductance controls the resting status of the intact rat sympathetic neuron. J. Neurophysiol. 90, 712-722, 2003. IF 3.114
Martini M., Rispoli G., Farinelli F., Fesce R. and ROSSI M.L.. Intracellular Ca2+ buffers can dramatically affect Ca2+ conductances in hair cells. Hear. Res. 195, 67-74, 2004. IF 2.428
Sacchi O., ROSSI M.L., Canella C. and Fesce R.. Biophysical properties of the silent and activated rat sympathetic neuron following denervation. Neurosci. 135, 31-45, 2005. IF 3.215
ROSSI M.L., Prigioni I., Gioglio L., Rubbini G., Russo G., Martini M., Farinelli F., Rispoli G. and Fesce R.. IP3 receptor in the hair cells of frog semicircular canal and its possible functional role. Eur. J. Neurosci. 23, 1775-1783, 2006. IF 3.82
Sacchi O., ROSSI M.L., Canella R. and Fesce R.. Synaptic and somatic effects of axotomy in the intact, innervated rat sympathetic neuron. J. Neurophysiol. 95, 2832-2844, 2006.IF 3.59
Russo G., Calzi D., Martini M., ROSSI M.L., Fesce R. and Prigioni I.. Potassium currents in the hair cells of vestibular epithelium: position-dependent expression of two types of A channels. Eur. J. Neurosci. 25, 695-704, 2007. IF 3.658
Sacchi O., ROSSI M.L., Canella C. and Fesce R.. Regulation of the subthreshold chloride conductance in the rat sympathetic neuron. Eur. J. Neurosci. 25, 1112-1126, 2007. IF 3.658
Martini M., Farinelli F., ROSSI ML and Rispoli G.. Ca2+ current of frog vestibular hair cells is modulated by intracellular ATP but not by long-lasting depolarizations. Eur. Biophys. J. 36, 779-786, 2007. IF 2.387
Sacchi O., ROSSI M.L., Canella C. and Fesce R.. The nicotinic activation of the denervated sympathetic neuron of the rat. Neurosci. 154, 1360-1371, 2008. IF 3.215
Martini M., Canella R., Fesce R. and ROSSI M.L.. Isolation and possible role of fast and slow potassium current components in hair cells dissociated from frog crista ampullaris. Pfluegers Arch., 457, 1327-1342, 2009. IF 3.354
Martini M., Canella R., Leparulo A., Prigioni I., Fesce R. and ROSSI M.L.. Ionic currents in hair cells dissociated from frog semicircular canals after preconditioning under microgravity conditions. Am. J. Physiol. Regul. Integr. Comp. Physiol. 296, R1585-R1597, 2009. IF 3.284
Russo G., Calzi D., Gioglio L., Botta L., Polimeni M.R., Zucca G., Martini M., Contini D., Fesce R., ROSSI M.L. and Prigioni I.. Analysis of pre- and postsynaptic activity in the frog semicircular canal following ototoxic insult: differential recovery of background and evoked afferent activity. Neurosci. 163, 1327-1339, 2009. IF 3.215
ROSSI M.L., Rubbini G., Gioglio L., Martini M. and Fesce R.. Exposure to reduced gravity impairs junctional transmission at the semicircular canal in the frog labyrinth. Am. J. Physiol. Regul. Integr. Comp. Physiol. 298, R439-R452, 2010. IF 3.284
Sacchi O., ROSSI M.L., Canella R. and Fesce R.. Changes in cationic selectivity of the nicotinic channel at the rat ganglionic synapse: a role for chloride ions? PLoS One 6, e17318 (pages 1-15), 2011. IF 4.411
Fesce R., Forti L., Polenghi A., Locarno A., Canella R., Sacchi O. and ROSSI M.L.. Can selectivity be functionally modulated in ion channels? J. Gen. Physiol. 138, 367-370, 2011. IF 4.283
Martini M., Canella R., Prigioni I., Russo G., Tavazzani E., Fesce R. and ROSSI M.L.. Acute effects of gentamicin on the ionic currents of semicircular canal hair cells in the frog. Hear. Res. 282, 151-160, 2011. IF 2.428
Martini M., Canella R., Fesce R. and ROSSI M.L.. The amplitude and inactivation properties of the delayed potassium currents are regulated by protein kinase activity in hair cells of the frog semicircular canals. PLoS One 8, e67784, 2013. IF 4.411
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La trasduzione nelle cellule sensoriali labirintiche: |