Karyotype analysis in ship sturgeon Acipenser nudiventris in the south Caspian Sea using leukocyte culture
Nowruzfashkhami MR. Safaiian S. Bahmani M. Chubian F.
In addition to their applications in phylogenetic and taxonomic studies, chromosome studies with sturgeons also play a vital role in understanding the genetic make up of species and therefore are of consideration in conservation and rehabilitation programmes of these species. Ship sturgeon (A. nudiventris) inhabits the Caspian Sea and enters the associated rivers for spawning. Leukocyte culture of Acipenser nudiventris from Gorganrud River was carried out to analyze the karyotype in this species as well as to determine the most effective dose of PHA-P used to produce the maximum mitosis index to optimize this method for this species.